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Memorial Funds 


Honorarium and Memorial Funds


These are set up in the name of a loved one who has battled cancer.  Donors receive an acknowledgement from Take a Swing at Cancer, Inc., and we notify the family of the donation.  Please contact us if you wish to set up an honorarium or memorial fund.




These funds are set up in “Honor” of a person who is currently battling cancer.  These people typically need assistance to pay mounting medical bills, mortgage/car payments, prescriptions, etc.  We work with a family member or friend(s) of the family to act as an “umbrella” fund.  In this capacity, donations would be made directly to TASC, and would therefore be tax-deductible.  TASC would then catalogue all donations, remit the funds on behalf of the cancer patient and their family, send out ”Thank You” notes and generally act as a liaison on behalf of the family.


The facilitation of this process performs two important functions:


  • It frees the family up to focus on spending more quality time with one another.

  • It will hopefully solicit more contributions, since all donations are now tax-deductible.


Memorial Funds


These funds are set up in “Memory” of a person who has lost their battle with cancer. Not only has the family lost a loved one, but they are usually left with the outstanding bills and need help getting out of debt. Similar to honorarium funds, we work with a family member or friend(s) of the family to collect money on the family’s behalf and appropriately acknowledge the donors.


How can I start a new fund?


To learn more about how you can get one of these funds started on behalf of a friend or loved one, please read our “Creating a New Fund” page. From there, you can email us at or call us at (781) 690-0350.


Is there a cost?


There is no cost to run these funds. As an all-volunteer organization, we are honored to help those families in need. A small percentage of the funds collected are used to pay for stationary and stamps for the thank you notes. But, that’s it. Our service and our time are complimentary.


Below is a list of people who have had funds set up in their name since our inception in 1998:

  • Aline Avery

  • Sheng Ma

  • Gerry McBride

  • Cornelia Murphy

  • Ron Oldfield

  • Betty and Sam Smyth

  • George Wiswell

To donate to one of our funds or make a general donation to Take a Swing at Cancer, Inc. you can send us a check or click HERE to donate online via Paypal*. Please remember to indicate the specific fund you would like to contribute to.


*Please be advised that Paypal is a separate business. As such, a small service charge of about 3% is taken from each on-line donation before it is passed along to TASC.

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