Golf Sponsorship Levels
Partner with Take A Swing at Cancer by becoming an event sponsor for the TASC Golf Tournament. This event has grown into a premier charity tournament where participants bask in a full day of golf, food, prizes, auction and awards all the while showcasing our event sponsors.
In addition to playing a vital role in providing direct support of individuals and families battling cancer, sponsorship includes the additional benefits outlined below.
All sponsorships of at least $1,000 include:
Listed as “Primary Sponsor” in tourney brochure and at Event
Listed as “Primary Sponsor” in pre and post tourney mailing to all participants and entire TASC mailing list
A Link with your logo on our website (www.takeaswing.org) throughout the year
Tournament Naming Privilege (e.g. “The ABC Corp. TASC Golf Tournament”)
Display Space at the event
Prominent Tournament Signage at the event
Full Page Ad in Tournament Brochure
Announced as primary sponsor during event kick-off and event awards
Up to 12 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
6 Cart Sponsorships
4 Tee Sponsorships
Listed as Lunch Sponsor
Event lunch banquet and awards include prominent signage
Full Page Ad in Tournament Brochure
Announced as primary sponsor during event kick-off and event awards
Up to 12 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
6 Cart Sponsorships
4 Tee Sponsorships
Listed as Silver Sponsor
Tournament Signage at the event
Half Page Ad in Tournament Brochure
Announced as primary sponsor during event kick-off and event awards
8 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
4 Cart Sponsorships
2 Tee Sponsorships
Listed as Breakfast Sponsor
Event breakfast includes prominent signage
Half Page Ad in Tournament Brochure
Announced as primary sponsor during event kick-off and event awards
4 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
2 Cart Sponsorships
1 Tee Sponsorships
Listed as Prominent Sponsor
Half Page Ad in Tournament Brochure
8 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
4 Cart Sponsorships
2 Tee Sponsorships
Longest Drive, Hole-in-One, Putting, Closest to the Pin - $1,500
A primary feature of the event with great exposure!
Listed as Contest Sponsor
All Contest References at event include your sponsorship
Includes prominent signage at all contest holes
Includes prominent signage at Registration and Lunch
Announced as Contest Sponsor during Awards ceremony
4 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
2 Cart Sponsorships
Friend of TASC Sponsor - $1,000
As Friend Sponsor, you provide extra, direct impact to our cause!
Listed as Prominent Sponsor - Includes Leader Board Display!
Listed as Prominent Sponsor in other Tournament Signage
4 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
2 Cart Sponsorships
1 Tee Sponsorships
Listed as Additional Sponsor in Tournament Brochure
Listed as Additional Sponsor in other Tournament Signage
4 golfers (includes greens fees, breakfast, lunch and carts)
2 Cart Sponsorships
1 Tee Sponsorships
All Raffle Prizes done in YOUR name!
Listed as Additional Sponsor in Tournament Brochure
Sign in Tee Box
Listed as Additional Sponsor in Tournament Brochure
Sign in Tee Box
Listed as Additional Sponsor in Tournament Brochure
Sign on Golf Cart